Gothic Delusion Special Soundtrack - 556t (心): ABSOLUTE


Album: Gothic Delusion Special Soundtrack
Game: Gothic Delusion
Music and lyrics: Luka Kannagi
Vocal: 556t (心)

This song really puts 556t's voice on display, and shows everything she can do. Truly an amazing song. As always, this was translated in an attempt to get better at Japanese, so they might be a little inaccurate, but I'm glad to be able to share it.

鋭利なEirinaI'll gouge
刃の先でHa no saki deThis chest
この胸をKono mune woBy the sharp
抉る様Eguru youPoint of this blade
溢れ出すAfuredasuThis cold
闇貫くYami tsuranukuI'll pierce the darkness
疼いた傷Uzuita kizuThis throbbed wound
その先の未来見えるでしょうか?Sono saki no mirai mieru deshou ka?You can see the future beyond that
色鮮やかIro azayakaThese vivid colors
染まる右手Somaru migiteDying my right hand
この決断は何をもたらすのか?Kono ketsudan ha nani wo motarasu no ka?What will this decision bring?
灯火をHikari woIf I hold up
翳せばKazasebaThis light
鼓動KodouAnd pulsating
さぁ終焉Saa shuuenSo, as the end
真実さえShinjitsu saeEven the truth
不明確だとしてFumeikakuda to shiteare still uncertain
引き返すのか?Hikikaesu no ka?Will you turn back?
例えばTatoebaFor example,
この瞳がKono hitomi gaThis pupil
零れ落ちてもKoboreochite moIs overflowing
未来を見据えるでしょうMae wo misueru deshouGazing into the future
I can liveI can liveI can live
Fate is changedFate is changedMy fate is changed
見捨てはしないMisute ha shinaiI won't be abandoned
I can liveI can liveI can live
I am determinedI am determinedI am determined
引き裂かれてもHikisakarete moBut torn
この手にKono te niBy this hand,
確かにTashika niI'll definitely
感じた奇跡Kanjita kisekiGet through
貫いてTsuranuiteThis miracle I've felt


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