回路-kairo-: from the East

Title: from the East
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyric/Arrange: ke
Album: The world is too small(wide) we are to live comfortably
Website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/
Click here for a complete list of all 回路-kairo-'s songs with links to videos and translations
As of 2015/1/1, no one has uploaded this song to Youtube. I will keep the post updated if it does go up on Youtube. Above is the crossfade demo for the entire album. This song is heard from 0:00 to 1:40.
Thanks to Marisa Nya for uploading the song and using my translation in the video.
Definitely one my favorites from the new songs on this album.
いつも思っていた ここから離れてItsumo omotteita koko kara hanareteI always wanted to go see
私の知らない世界 見に行きたいってWatashi no shiranai sekai mi ni ikitaitteAn unknown far-away place
今でも良く覚えているのIma demo yoku oboeteiru noDo you still remember?
そう言った時の嬉しそうな貴方の顔をSou itta toki no ureshisou na anata no kao woThe happy look on your face as you said those words
私のことを覚えていますかWatashi no koto wo oboeteimasu kaDo you still remember me?
そちらの天気はどうですかSochira no tenki ha dou desu kaHow is the weather over there?
今日も私は旅していますKyou mo watashi ha tabishiteimasuI'm still traveling
貴方との日々をこの胸にAnata to no hibi wo kono mune niWith the days with you in my heart
寂しくないですか もう大丈夫ですかSabishikunai desu ka mou daijoubu desu kaAren't you lonely? Or are you alright?
こちらはもうすぐ春 暖かくなってKochira ha mou sugu haru atatakaku natteIt's soon spring here, and it's becoming warmer
最初に出会った時のことを思い出してSaisho ni deatta toki no koto wo omoidashiteI remember the time when we first met
一人笑っています 宝物ですHitori waratteimasu takaramono desuLaughing alone, those are precious memories
もう会う事はないと分かっていてもMou au koto ha nai to wakatteitemoEven though I know we won't meet again,
まだ私の心は温かいままですMada watashi no kokoro ha atatakai mama desuMy heart is still filled with warmth
それでも これで良かったとSore demo kore de yokatta toBut it's fine
悲しくないと私は思っているのですKanashikunai to watashi ha omotteiru no desuBecause I don't think you're sad
貴方が一人全て忘れてしまったとしてもAnata ga hitori subete wasureteshimatta toshitemoEven if you've forgotten it all
今も私は全て覚えていますIma mo watashi ha subete oboeteimasuI still remember everything
だからどうか気付かないようにDakara dou ka kitsukanai you niSo unwittingly,
優しすぎた貴方に送るYasashi sugita anata ni okoruI'm sending to you, the too kind,
私の最後の言葉をWatashi no saigo no kotoba woMy final words
The picture is official artwork for the album and is by カヲル


  1. Hello. I hate to ask this, but would you be willing to share this album if you have it/once you get it? I love Kairo and 556t, but blowing 20 euro on music is right about the last thing I'm able to afford right now (especially with the euro exchange rates in my country). I apologize for begging like this, but I'm sorta desperate.

    1. I will share it with you! As you may have noticed, I'm also a very big fan of Kairo and 556t. (The blog isn't dedicated to translating their stuff, but it always ends up being what I do).
      Please let me know when you've downloaded it :)

    2. Oh wow! May i use this link and some of your translations Wanieru-san <3
      I've loved Kairo since a long, long time ago. This is AWESOME to me

    3. Feel free to use the link. You are also free to use my translations if you make sure to link to the blog :)


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