チリヌルヲワカ / Chirinuruwowaka: 甲と乙 / Prey Versus Predator


Title: 甲と乙 / Prey Versus Predator
Band: チリヌルヲワカ / Chirinuruwowaka
Vo./G.: ユウ / Yuu
B.: イワイエイキチ / Iwaieikichi
D.: 阿部耕作 / Abe Kosaku
G.: 坂本夏樹 / Natsuki Sakamoto
Webiste: http://chirinuruwowaka.com/top/
I've wanted to translate this song for a long time, because the music video obviously tells a really interesting story in itself. I've done a bit of analysis on the lyrics, and I would like to share my interpretation soon in a seperate blog post. I will also talk a bit about my translation, and how it was affected by my interpretation.
限りあるのは人の道Kagiri aru no wa hito no michiThough the path of people is ephemeral
想像、これ限りなしSouzou kore kagiri nashiImagination is infinite
操れるのは「今」だけAyatsureru no wa ima dakeOnly the "now" can be manipulated
動かせるのは「今」だけUgokaseru no wa ima dakeThe only time to move is now
必要なものはもうHitsuyou na mono ha mouEver since you were born
生まれたときに持ってきたよUmareta toki ni mottekita yoYou already had everything you need
大人になったその時にOtona ni natta sono toki niWhen you became of age
頼る大人はもういないTayoru otona wa mou inaiThere were no more reliable adults
言葉は時に残酷Kotoba wa toki ni zankokuLanguage can be brutal
凶器のごとく残酷Kyouki no gotoku zankokuBrutal as a lethal weapon
100などいらないはずだHyaku nado iranai hazu daYou shouldn't even need one hundred
1つの宝を見逃すなHitotsu no takara wo minogasu naDon't overlook the one treasure
誰がお前を笑えどDare ga omae wo waraedoNo matter who's laughing at you
自分がいつでも常識だJibun ga itsudemo joushiki daYourself is always the source of wisdom
The image is by 杉崎貴史


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