回路-kiaro-: 繋がる糸の様に / Like Connected Threads

Title: 繋がる糸の様に / Like Connected Threads
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Arrange/Lyrics: Megane
Album: And, I wake up under the cherry blossoms tonight
Click here for a complete list of all 回路-kairo-'s songs with links to videos and translations
An old favorite of mine from Kairo, which I noticed wasn't translated on my list. So here it is!

繋がる糸の様にTsunagaru Ito no You niLike Connected Threads
花が咲き誇るHana ga saki hokoruThe flowers are in full bloom
歪みの中漂うHizumi no naka tadayouDrifting around in distortion
代わる代わるKawaru kawaruReplacing, replacing
また繰り返していく輪廻Mata kurikaeshite iku rinneRepeating again in circulation
操り糸に引きずられるようにAyatsuri ito ni hikizurareru you niPulled like a marionette,
交わった線の上で踊るんだMajiwatta sen no ue de odorundaDancing from the intersecting threads
造られた全てはTukurareta subete waWith everything built,
道化の戯れDouke no tawamureThe clown's play
欠けているKaketeiruIs still missing
最初の歯車はSaisho no haguruma waThe first gear
あなたの手の中にAnata no te no naka niIs inside your hand
今伝わる全てはIma tsutawaru subete waEverything transmitted now
道化の鼓動Douke no kodouThe clown's heartbeat
私はそうだWatashi wa sou daI'm
いつもその手の中でItsumo sono te no naka deAlways inside that hand
無くした形をNakushita katachi oThe missing shape
繕うように微笑むTsukurou you ni hohoemuWith a patched-up smile
似せて作ってもNisete tsukuttemoEven if you make it the same
いつかはまた無くなるのにねItsuka wa mata naku naru no ni neOne day, it'll disappear again
操り糸にAyatsuri ito niLike being pulled
引きずられるようにHikizurareru you niBy the marionette's strings
交わった線の上でMajiwatta sen no ue deBy the intersecting strings
舞い続けるMaitsudzukeruIt keeps on dancing
沈んでいく赤い雲もShizunde iku akai kumo moThe sinking red clouds,
変えられない過去の夢もKaerarenai kako no yume moThe immutable dreams of the past
やがて消える空の星もYagete kieru sora no hoshi moThe disappearing stars on the sky
どこかで結ばれているDokoka de musubareteiruIs all tied together somewhere
忘れていた君の声もWasureteita kimi no koe moYour forgotten voice,
繋げた小指と小指もTsunageta koyubi to koyubi moOur pinky swear,
昇る朝の光さえもNoboru asa no hikari sae moThe rising morning sun,
辿っていく道の先にTadotte iku michi no saki niIs all supposed to be
あるはずAru hazuAt the end of the tracked path
続いていく糸の上でTsudzuiku ito no ue deAt the end of the continuing threads
立ち止まるTachidomaruIt stops
揺れる線はYureru sen waThe shaking line
何も言わずNani mo iwazuSays nothing
手を引いていくTe o hiiteikuThe hand retracts
造られた全てはTsukurareta subete waWith everything built,
道化の戯れDouke no tawamureThe clown's play
欠けているKaketeiruIs still missing
最初の歯車をSaisho no haguruma woThe first gear
私の手の中にWatashi no te no naka niIs inside my hand
今伝わる全てはIma tsutawaru subete waEverything transmitted now
道化の鼓動Douke no kodouThe clown's heartbeat
いつでもそうさItsudemo sou saIs always
強くこの手の中でTsuyoku kono te no naka deStrongly inside this hand
Picture uploaded to Zerochan by Chibiterasuchan


  1. Maybe a bit late, but I found two small errors:
    ->Ya/ga/te kieru sora no hoshi mo
    Tsudzu/te/iku ito no ue de
    I have been working on a vocal cover for thiis song, so I have to thank you for providing the translation! ^^


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