回路-kairo-: Pulse


Title: Pulse
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyrics/Music: ke
Album: World Pulse - EP
Website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/
Album website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/worldpulse/world.html
Click here for a complete list of all 回路-kairo-'s songs with links to videos and translations
Last month, I translated the first track on World Pulse, Way of Wonderful Suicide, and as with that one, no one has uploaded Pulse to Youtube. You can support Kairo by purchasing the album (or song) on iTunes.

You can listen to demos of the songs in the soundcloud embed. The song translated here is heard from 6:15 to 7:43.

Thanks, Hyperone for uploading this to Youtube :)

I found an interesting, either coincidence or reference. The Japanese movie "Pulse", original title Kairo, has in Japanese the same name as the band, which means circuit, and of course the English title being the same as this song. Then there's the fact that it's about suicides linked to an internet webcam, and there's a posibility that connects with some other songs on World Pulse, "Way of Wonderful Suicide" and "Hack".


Seems no one has uploaded it as of the entrance of 2015. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find this on Youtube? Kairo and pulse both refer to the movie, so having them in the same query finds nothing related to Kairo.

On another note, 556t tweeted about the movie called Kairo, Pulse in English, and when I tweeted that when I first saw the song Pulse I thought it was a reference to it, she favorited the tweet. 

僕が死んだ日は晴れていたBoku ga shinda hi ha hareteitaThe day I died was sunny
不自然な程に澄み渡った空にはFushizenna hodo ni sumiwatatta sora ni haThe azure sky was unnaturally clear
もう戻れないのMou modorenai noI can't return anymore
戻らないのModoranai noI'm not coming back
全て残して行く勝手もSubete nokoshiteyuku katte moSelfishly leaving everything behind me
僅かな電子になるWazukana denshi ni naruAnd becoming a fraction of an electron
器がなくなってUtsuwa nakunatteThe vessel is gone
悲しいとかKanashii to kaIt's sad
寂しいとかSabishii to kaIt's lonely
どうでも良かったDou demo yokattaEither way, it's fine
後悔と共に日記はKoukai to tomo ni nikki haRegret and my diary
燃やしてしまったよMoyashiteshimatta yoWere burning
もう泣かないよMou nakanai yoI'm not crying anymore
「平気さ、まだ行けるよ」"Heiki sa, mada ikeru yo""It's fine, I'll keep going"
どこに向かうのかわからないけどDoko ni mukau no ka wakaranai kedoEven though I don't know where I'm going
戻れないよModorenai yoI can't return
戻らないよModoranai yoI'm not coming back
止まった鼓動の数だけTomatta kodou no kazu dakeOnly the number of stopped heartbeats
静かに前へ進むShizuka ni mae he susumuSilently continues forward
たとえ身体が失われてもTatoe karada ga ushinawarete moEven if my body is lost
星の記憶から消えてしまってもHoshi no kioku kara kieteshimatte moAnd if I'm erased from the memory of the stars
魂は今 この場所まだ歌っているTamashii ha ima kono basho mada utatte iruMy soul is still singing in this place
ずっと ずっと叫んでいるZutto zutto sakende iruForever and always crying out
喉が枯れるまでNodo ga kareru madeUntil my throat withers away
脈打つ生命の歌Myakuutsu seimei no utaThe song of pulsating life

Image is from Kairo's website, and is posted at the top of this page


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