回路-kairo-: 十月十日 / Ten Months and Ten Days


Title: 十月十日
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyric: 556t, 毛
Album: Will the living corpse have dream of tomorow?
Original: 恋色マスタースパーク

Every song on Will the living corpse have dream of tomorow? is a 4 kanji idiom. Interestingly, to add to this concept, all of the song titles on the album are mentioned in the first song, 一期一会. In my translation of 一期一会, I translated 十月十日as "the tenth of October". That happens to be the date of today!
I have later discovered, that's not quite what it means with the pronounciation used. 
Totsukitooka (十月十日) refers to the gestation period. The reason for this, is that in the lunar calander, when each month is 28 days, the 9 months we usually know pregnancy to last, is more like 10 months and 10 days. 
Some elements of this song were strange for me, and I had trouble with the translation, but here is my attempt, which I was able to finish before the 11th. 

傷跡がKizuato gaThe scar
増えてゆくFuete yukuis expanding
でもそれをDemo sore woBut that
隠したままKakushita mamaIs hidden
探すSagasuSearching for
確かな事Tashikana kotoSomething that is certain
それを繋げてSore wo tsunageteConnecting it
円い輪を作るMarui wa wo tsukurumakes a round circle
星の光もHoshi no hikari moThe light of the stars
風の匂いもKaze no nioi moAnd the scent of the wind
いつか消える魔法だからItsuka kieru mahou dakaraIt's the magic that will some day disappear
愛しいんでしょうItoshiin deshouIsn't it dear?
そうやって一人Sou yatte hitoriI did it alone
笑った君もWaratta kimi moAnd you laughed
いつか解ける魔法だってItsuka tokeru mahou datte"The magic that will some day be solved"
知らないフリShiranai furiI'll pretend I didn't know
そんなものはSonna mono haI don't need
いらないよIranai yoSuch a thing
本当は意味があってHontou ha imi ga atteThere really is a meaning
でもわからなくてDemo wakaranakuteBut I don't understand
どうでもいいんだDou demo iin daOh well, it's unimportant
終わってみてからOwatte mite karaBecause the end
大丈夫だなんてDaijoubu da nanteIt's okay
そんな悶じゃないんでしょう?Sonna mon ja nain deshou?It's not such anguish
円い輪の向こうへMarui wa no mukou heIf your arm is pulled
君の腕を引いて行けたらKimi no ude wo hiite yuketaraBeyond the round circle
星の光もHoshi no hikari moThe light of the stars
風の匂いもKaze no nioi moAnd the scent of the wind
いつか届く魔法にItsuka todoku mahou niSomeday,
変えてみせるからKaete miseru karaI'll turn it into magic
寄り添った意味もYori sotta imi moThe nestled meaning
笑った君もWaratta kimi moAnd you laughing
永遠に変わらないEien ni kawaranaiForever and ever,
魔法にするよMahou ni suru yoI'll use that magic
生きてゆくこともIkite yuku koto moLiving,
死んでゆくこともShinde yuku koto moand dying,
今の私にはまだわからないけどIma no watashi ni ha mada wakaranai kedoRight now, I still don't understand
楽しかったとTanoshikatta toIt was fun
幸せだったとShiawase datta toAnd I was happy
笑って過ごしたあの日をWaratte sugoshita ano hi woI remember
思い出せるOmoi daseruThe days I spent laughing
そんな魔法を唱えたいSonna mahou wo tonaetaiI want to cast such a magic

Picture was uploaded to Konachan by C4R10Z123GT


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