回路-kairo-: Laughing

Title: Laughing
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyric/Arrange: ke
Album: So, all we have (not) created equal
Website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/
Click here for a complete list of all 回路-kairo-'s songs with links to videos and translations
Two posts within two days of each other!
I don't think I did as good a job with this one, but the lyrics were marginally more difficult to make sense of than the previous one.
The thing about the umbrella seems to be about Kogasa Tatara, who is apparently an umbrella, and whose theme this track is a rearrange of.
晴れた空を指してHareta sora wo sashiteLook to the clear sky and point
明日は雨だとAsu ha ame da toTomorrow will be rainy
気侭に踊るだけKimama ni odoru dakeNonchalantly dancing around
何もありゃしないNani mo arya shinaiThere is nothing at all
左へ右へと揺られてまたHidari he migi he to yurarete mataLeft and right, swung side to side
忘れられて行くWasurerarete yukuIn order to forget
世を越え見つめる先に救いの手などあるはずもないってさYo wo koe mitsumeru saki ni sukui no te nado aru hazu mo naitte saStaring across the world, the Hand of Salvation won't come
「等しく造られた」など 化けた傘も笑うだろう"Hitoshiku tsukurareta" nado baketa kasa mo warau darou"We were created equally", the Umbrella of Corruption is laughing too
曇り空を指してKumori sora wo sashiteLook to the cloudfilled sky and point
明日は晴れだとAsu ha hare da toTomorrow will be clear
気侭に踊るだけKimama ni odoru dakeNonchalantly dancing around
何もありゃしないNani mo arya shinaiThere is nothing at all
裸足で駆けてく 道は細くHadashi de kuketeku Michi ha hosokuGoing barefooted, the path is narrow
転んでまた独りKoronde mata hitoriAlone, I fall over again
空の船 動く景色 遠いどこかへ向かう 揺れるSora no fune ugoku keshiki tooi dokoka he mukau yureruThe scenery of the ship moving in the sky, swinging and going far away
世を越え目指した先に救いの声は強く強く響いていたYo wo koe mezashita saki ni sukui no koe ha tsuyoku tsuyoku hibiite itaAiming across the world, the Voice of Salvation shouted strongly
「等しく宝だった」と 化けた傘も笑ったよ"Hitoshiku takara datta" to baketa kasa mo waratta yo"We were equal treasures", the Umbrella of Corruption was laughing too

The picture is posted by InouePhantomive on Zerochan.


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