回路-kairo-: 祈りの歌 / Inori no uta / Song of Prayer

Title: 祈りの歌 / Inori no uta / Song of Prayer
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Arrange/lyrics: KENTO
Album: 8magics to kill the gods
Click here for a complete list of all 回路-kairo-'s songs with links to videos and translations
This was by far the most time-consuming and frustrating song to translate, I have ever done. Not because the Japanese was particularly complicated or difficult, but because of the obfuscated way the meaning is delivered. Basically, you won't be able to hear any of the romanized lyrics in the song, because it's all reversed! KENTO's song-writing process on this song went something like this:

  1. Write the song
  2. Romanize it completely
  3. Reverse the entire thing
  4. Add random line breaks and spaces
  5. Attempt to sing the result
This in itself makes it difficult to translate back to just Japanese, and not least English, because you have to figure out where the actual spaces are supposed to be, and then go from romanized Japanese to kanji, another difficult task. But simply getting the romanized lyrics really takes the cake here. It's absolutely impossible to understand 556t's enunciation from the song, and seemingly, the only written copy of the lyrics is this low-res picture, which I saved like 4 or 5 years ago, and luckily still had a copy of.

So it took a long time to even read the letters correctly, reverse the order, make them into real Japanese words, make it into Japanese script and finally translate it. But here it is

EDIT (2017-08-18): I have made some corrections to the translation based on feedback from 空見りんき. Thanks :)

ローマ字 (Original)漢字Romanized (Corrected)English
uru sie mu oh sow o to kati in okoka神様だって殺してしまおうKamisama datte koroshiteshimaouI will kill this "god"
guk obea hi h sa nah do nok祈りの歌が届かないのならそしてInori no uta ga todokanai no nara soshiteSince my songs of prayer don't seem to be heard
それを認めたくない弱虫だそんなSore wo mitometakunai yowamushi da sonnaI'm a coward who can't admit
u sami ro ni owo tok uko do tinoことばかりってごまかしてばかりKoto bakaritte gomakashite bakariThat this is all nothing but deception
rok oko nake rad
だけど、どうしてもDakedo doushitemoBut,
a dira gih sima se duo yeuk眠たくて仕方がない、目いっぱいのNemutakute shikata ga nai meippai noI am terribly tired, and I can't help it
o omet ot ah u kob焦燥感で息が詰まりそうだ、僕だってshousoukan de iki ga tsumarisou da boku datteDespite all my frustrations, my breath seems to be blocked
一生懸命なんだ、気が狂いそうなんだIsshou kenmei nanda ki ga kuruisou nan daAgainst my utmost effort, I'm going crazy
a dn nia nera re a ta gih c co bir o tih
oh se di jano et tadi mik?だけど、どうしてもDakedo doushitemoBut,
oh se di jano an n nim?眠たくて仕方がない、目いっぱいのNemutakute shikata ga nai meippai noI am terribly tired, and I can't help it
et emu ede rosia hai焦燥感で息が詰まりそうだ、僕だってshousoukan de iki ga tsumarisou da boku datteDespite all my frustrations, my breath seems to be blocked
amao woy kuuk, een一生懸命なんだ、気が狂いそうなんだIsshou kenmei nanda ki ga kuruisou nan daAgainst my utmost effort, I'm going crazy
ad nnan uosi uruka gik adn na niemn nekuohそれならこんな「世界」から逃げてしまおうか?Sore nara konna "sekai" kara nigete shimaou ka?Should I then flee from this "world"?
ssiet tad ukon aduo sira musta gi kie dnna kuo suohこんなにたくさんお祈りしているのにKonna ni takusan no inorishiteiru no niEven though I'm praying so much,
sonia ppi i em iana ga ta kih se tuk atu me
nom etih suo do d eka dどうしてこんなに苦しいの?Doushite konna ni kurushii no?Then why is everything so painful?
どうして認めてくれないの?Doushite mitomete kurenai no?Why won't you admit it?
a dura wi ji ah ama si mak ure sa ru
fow ema i no nu rie ttih sah in an nnokこんなに走っているのに雨をKonna ni hashitteiru no ni ame woEven though I'm running like a deer,
降らせる神様は意地悪だFuraseru kamisama wa ijiwaru daGod keeps letting the rain pour over me
o nia neru kete mo time tihsu od?
o nii hsu ruki nan n no ke tih su od?だけど、どうしてもDakedo doushitemoBut,
眠たくて仕方がない、目いっぱいのNemutakute shikata ga nai meippai noI am terribly tired, and I can't help it
in onu rie tih siron i on nasu ka ti nan nnok焦燥感で息が詰まりそうだ、僕だってshousoukan de iki ga tsumarisou da boku datteDespite all my frustrations, my breath seems to be blocked
akuo amih set egina rak" iakes" ann noka raneros? 一生懸命なんだ、気が狂いそうなんだIsshou kenmei nanda ki ga kuruisou nan daAgainst my utmost effort, I'm going crazy
ad nnan uosi uruka gik adn na niemn nekuohねえ、空虚を甘いNee, kuukyo wo amaiBut hey, indulgence -
ssiet tad ukon aduo sira musta gi kie dnna kuo suoh甘いそれで埋めてAmai sore de umeteFill the gaping void with indulgence
sonia ppi i em iana ga ta kih se tuk atu meみんな同じでしょ?Minna onaji desho?Everyone is like that right?
nom etih suo do d eka d君だって同じでしょ?Kimi datte onaji desho?Even you are like that, right?
一人ぼっちが耐えられないHitoribocchi ga taerarenaindaBeing alone is unacceptable
ad nnan uosi uruka gik adn na niemn nekuoh
ssiet tad ukon aduo sira musta gi kie dnna kuo suoh僕はとてもBoku wa totemoI am very cowardly
sonia ppi i em iana ga ta kih se tuk atu me臆病で寂しがりだOkubyou de samishigari daI am so lonely
nom etih suo do d eka d
誰かの心Dareka no kokoroI'm just praying that
i raka betih sak amo get ti iraka bot okaに届くことを祈りますNi todoku koto wo inorimasuThat I will reach someone's heart
nn nos adih sumawo yia nukatem oti mow eros e
ti hsos aran o nia nak odo tagat uo niro niこのお話は僕がKono ohanashi wa boku gaThis song is the only proof
u oam ih se tih soro k et tad am asi makここにいたことを証明するKoko ni ita koto wo shoumei suruThat I was here
Source: album art from 8magics to kill the gods by カヲル


  1. 空見りんきJuly 15, 2017 3:32 PM

    Hello. Thank you for your translation!

    I have one question. Where did you find the lyrics? I checked the lyrics sheets of the album but found no lyrics of this track.

    1. Hi, sorry for the late the reply.
      I found the picture with the lyrics on the vocalists twitter page a long time ago. You can search up 556t or Sagara Kokoro on Twitter.
      I had saved the picture and bookmarked the post, but it's gone by now. So the only way of getting the lyrics was deciphering the picture.

    2. Thank you for reply.

      I searched and found that 556t said on twitter that she would upload the lyrics, but found no related pictures, like you have said.

      I read the lyrics from you picture and your translation and I wrote what I found below.
      If you think they are reasonable, you could take them into account.
      However, a point to notice is that my English is bad.

      > だけど、どうしても
      > 眠くたくて仕方がない、目いっぱいの
      > 焦燥感で息が詰まりそうだ、僕だって
      > 一生懸命なんだ、気が狂いそうなんだ
      > But,
      > No matter how tired I am, it's no use
      > Despite all my frustrations, my breath seems to be blocked
      > Against my utmost effort, I'm going crazy

      The lyrics seem to say not 「眠くたくて」 but 「眠たくて」.

      I would interpret 「仕方がない」 here to "too much", "unendurable" or "I cannot help it".
      You seem to have interpreted it as B below. I choose D. I would choose B if it went 「眠たくて"も"」.
      I would translate that part to "I am terribly sleepy and I can't help it".

      ▼ 仕方無いとは - Weblio辞書
      : [URL] http://www.weblio.jp/content/%E4%BB%95%E6%96%B9%E7%84%A1%E3%81%84
      : A. する手段・方法がない。 「 - ・い,あきらめよう」 「そうするしか-・かった」
      : B. どうにもならない。困ったものだ。 「後悔しても-・い」 「 - ・い奴だ」
      : C. やむをえない。 「天災だから-・い」 「起こってしまったことは-・い」 「電車が出てしまったので-・く歩いた」
      : D. たえがたい。がまんできない。 「腹が減って-・い」 「いやでいやで-・い」 → 仕方無し

      > それならこんな「世界」から逃げてしまおうか?
      > こんなにたくさんの祈りしているのに
      > Did you flee from this "world"?
      > Undeterred by my countless prayers
      > どうしてこんなに苦しいの?
      > どうして認めてくれないの?
      > Why is everything so painful?
      > Why won't you admit it?

      The lyrics seem to say not 「たくさんの祈りしているのに」 but 「たくさんお祈りしているのに」.
      The romajis say "takusannoinorishiteirunoni" and the lyricist seem to have used double n ("nn") to represent 「ん」 here and in other parts of this song.
      Besides, I feel 「たくさんお祈りしているのに」 sounds more natural.

      I think the doer of the 1st line is "I", not "you".
      I would translate the 1st line to "Then should I flee from this world?".

      I assume that the last three lines or all the four lines are one set.
      You might have assumed 2nd line is connected to 1st one, rather than the latter ones.
      I feel it make sense better when the 2nd line is connected to 3rd and 4th, like
      : However my countless prayers
      : Why is everything so painful?
      : Why won't you admit it?

    3. Sorry again for the late reply. I have not set up my e-mail notification properly! 笑

      Thanks a lot for the corrections! Your analysis of the song is good. It makes a lot of sense, and I have changed them :) ありがとうございます m(_ _)m

  2. Hi, thank you for the translation! the lyric is so complicated, but you have manage to translate it, that so impressed!
    But, i wonder why there are some random empty box between lines?


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