チリヌルヲワカ / Chirinuruwowaka: 陰日向 / Double-Faced

Check out KOH3956's awesome cover of this song! 

Title: 陰日向 / Kagehinata / Double-Faced
Band: チリヌルヲワカ / Chirinuruwowaka
Album: アヲアヲ / Awoawo
Lyrics: ユウ / yuu
Composition: ユウ / yuu
Japanese lyrics: http://petitlyrics.com/lyrics/2409582

This song has some really interesting writing. There's a clever use of synonyms that sound similar, but have slightly different meanings all over this song. (隙間/狭間, 衝動/行動/鼓動)
The song also uses the expressions 雲行き (Movement of the clouds) and 風向き (Direction of the wind) at different points in the song. Again, these are similar and theme, and are actually both metaphors for "the situation" or "the outlook of things".
Finally, there's the part about becoming a shellfish. I couldn't find this as a common expression, but I did find one interpretation of the expression in an unrelated context. It can mean to not talk to anyone, not be affected by anyone, and simply live in your own shell. So the singer says: "When you feel like pulling away, come see me and I'll make you feel better".

影と日向の隙間を旅してKage to hinata no sukima o tabi shiteTravel in the chasm between shadow and sunlight
雨に怯えているの?Ame ni obieteiru no?Are you frightened of the rain?
雲行きなんて一夜で変わるKumoyuki nante ichiya de kawaruThe movement of the skies change overnight
空になったらすぐ会いに来てよKara ni nattara sugu ai ni kite yoWhenever you become empty, come see me right away
たちまち溢れる衝動Tachimachi afureru shoudouI'll give you an overflowing impulse right away
完璧じゃないからお互いにKanpeki ja nai kara otagai niWe're able to communicate
通じ合えるのさTsuuji aeru no saBecause both of us aren't perfect
西と東の狭間に立たされNishi to higashi no hazama ni tatasareBeing made to stand on the gap between east and west
明日を恐れているの?Asu o osoreteiru no?Are you afraid of tomorrow?
風向きなんて一夜で変わるKazamuki nante ichiya de kawaruThe direction of the wind changes overnight
貝になったらすぐ会いに来てよKai ni nattara sugu ai ni kite yoWhen you become a shellfish, come see me right away
気持ちを高める行動Kimochi o takameru koudouI'll make you feel better
薄紅色に染まる頃にはUsubeniiro ni somaru koro ni waWhen dyed pink
開き直っているHirakinaotteiruYou become defiant
切り札なんてきみの存在そのものKirifuda nante kimi no sonzai sono monoYour very existance is a secret weapon
人生なんて一夜で変わるJinsei nante ichiya de kawaruYour life changes overnight
錆になったらすぐ酸化してよSabi ni nattara sugu sanka shite yoWhen you become rust, oxidize right away
次第に溶け合う鼓動Shidai ni tokeau kodouMovement graudally melts together
星になってもまた会いに来てよHoshi ni nattemo mata ai ni kite yoEven if you become a star, come meet me again
ありがとう、と伝えたいArigatou to tsutaetaiI want to say "thank you"
神は何度も微笑まないからKami wa nandomo hohoemanai karaSince God never smiles at me
信じられるのはShinjirareru no waThe only one I believe in
きみしかいないよKimi shika inai yoIs you


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