回路-kairo-: 岸辺の赤 / Red of the Shore

Title: 岸辺の赤
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyrics: 毛
Album: alone, but never alone
Another one of the Kairo songs I was very sad I couldn't find another translation of, so I did my best to make one myself.

漢字ローマ字英語 (Rewritten)
小さなその魂一つChiisana sono tamashii hitotsuOne small soul
濁る河の片隅でNigoru kawa no katasumi deIn a corner of the mist-shrouded river
淡々と石を積み上げTantan to ishi wo tsumiageUninterestedly piling up pebbles
疑問もなく彷徨ったGimon mo naku samayottaIt has no doubt been wondering
どこへ行くDoko he yukuWhere are you going?
どこに行きたいのかDoko ni ikitai no kaWhere do you want to go?
そんなことさえもSonna koto sae moEven such a thing
わからないWakaranaiDon't you know
石を積む小さな手をとってIshi wo tsumu chiisana te wo totteI take the small hand, which is piling up pebbles
向こうの岸辺へMukou no kishibe heTo the shore on the other side
「大丈夫」Daijoubu"It's okay"
きっと届けて見せようKitto todokete miseyouI'll definitely deliver you
陽が暮れる前にHi ga kureru mae niBefore the sun goes down
濁る河の霧は深くNigoru kawa no kiri ha fukakuThe fog by the river is dense
岸辺はまだ影も無くKishibe ha mada kage mo nakuThe shore is still without a shadow
ただ静かに進む舟をTada shizuka ni susumu fune woThe boat just quietly sails on
濁った目が見つめてるNigotta me ga mitsume teruAs turbid eyes watch...
渡れない舟など沈めば良いWaterenai fune nado shizumeba yoiBoats that can't cross might as well sink
そんなものなんかにSonna mono nanka niIf there's no meaning
意味はないとImi ha nai toTo such a thing
怯え震えるこの手をとってObie furueru kono te o totteI take this frightened, shaking hand
向こうの岸辺へMukō no kishibe eTo the shore on the other side
「大丈夫」Daijoubu"It's okay"
きっと守ってみせようKitto mamotte miseyouI'll definitely protect you
日が暮れるまでにHi ga kureru made niUntil the sun goes down
怯え震えてた手はすり抜けObie furue teta te wa surinukeI let go of the frightened, shaking hand
水底に消えたMinasoko ni kietaOn the bottom it disappears
どれだけ声を上げ叫んでもDore dake koe o age saken demoHow long does the voice shout?
きっと陽は暮れるKitto yō wa kureruThe sun will definitely go down
濁る川の音は遠くNigoru kawanone wa tōkuThe sound of the mist-shrouded river is far away
流れる血は薄く消えNagareru chi wa usuku kieThe flowing blood is disappearing
それを吸って生きて行けるSore o sutsute ikite yukeruBy absorbing it, it lives
岸辺に咲く赤い花Kishibe ni saku akai hanaThe red flower blooming on the shore

Picture is by PAIIS on Konachan


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