回路-kairo-: 一期一会 / Treasure Every Encounter, For They May Not Recur

Title: 一期一会
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyrics: 毛
Album: Will the living corpse have dream of tomorow?

This song is really awesome, but also really difficult to translate. Someone more proficient in Japanese would probably find many things they'd translate differently. I apologize that there are points in the song I couldn't get to make more sense.

聞こえてくるのはKikoete kuru no haI can hear foklore
遠い遠い昔話Tooi tooi mukashibanashiComing from far away
忘れてしまっていたWasurete shimatte itaIt had been forgotten;
隠されてしまっていたKakusa rete shimatte itaIt had been hidden
気に入らないんだとKi ni iranain datoThey didn't like it;
月の裏へと投げ捨てたTsuki no ura he to nagesutetaThey threw it to the back of the moon
小さくて丸いChiisakute maruiSmall and round
ただそれだけの話Tada sore dake no hanashiIt was a simple story like that
聞こえてくるのはKikoete kuru no haI can hear
古い古い御伽噺Furui furui OtogibanashiVery old fairy tales
かつてはあっただろうKatsute ha atta darouThere were also once
優しい日々もそこにYasashii hibi mo soko niFriendly days
狂うっていたのはKuruutte ita no haWas it me, or even you,
私かはたまた貴方かWatashi ka hatamata anata kawho went mad?
どちらでもいいでしょうDochira demo ii deshouIt wouldn't matter which
救われてしまうならSukuwarete shimaunaraIf we would have been saved
心の臓がShin no zou gaThe heart
僅か音を立てるwazuka oto wo tateruMakes a soft sound
「意味はあるの?」Imi ha aru no?"Is there a meaning?"
わからないまま消したWakaranai mama keshitaWithout knowing, I disappeared
一秒後には死んでてIchi byou go ni ha shinde teAfter one second, you're dead
三秒後には腐敗しててSan byou go ni ha fuhai shite teAfter three seconds, you're decaying
六秒後には生き返ってRoku byou go ni ha iki kaetteAfter six seconds, you are revived
十秒後にはまた死んでてJuu byou go ni ha mata shinde teAfter ten seconds, you die again
四十秒後には叫んでてYonjuu byou go ni ha sakende teAfter fourty seconds, you're screaming
二分かかって理解してNibun kakatte rikai shiteIt takes 2 minutes to understand
三分間だけ後悔してSanbun kan dake koukai shiteAnd only 3 minutes to regret
来世、また会おうだなんてRaise, mata aou da nanteLet's meet again in the afterlife
そんなこと言ってSonna koto itteSaying such a thing
わかっているんでしょうWakatteirun deshouYou understand, right?
明日の夢さえAshita no yume saeEven dreaming of tomorow
わかっているんでしょうWakatteirun deshouYou understand, right?
一期一会また出会ってIchigo ichie mata deatteOnce in a lifetime meeting, we'll meet again
三者三様それを認めSan sha san you sore wo mitomeEach has their own way of appreciating it
六道輪廻巡り巡ってroku dourinne meguri megutteGoing round and round the wheel of life
十月十日生まれる命Totsuki touka umareru inochiLife born on the tenth day of the tenth month
四面楚歌でも駆け抜けてShimen soka demo kakenuketeI'll keep running through, even when embattled
二者択一を迫ってNishatakuitsu wo sematteEven faced with an alternative,
三千世界を旅してくSanzen sekai wo tabi shitekuI'll continue to travel the whole world
来世、また会おうだなんてRaise, mata aou da nanteLet's meet again in the afterlife
今世、また会えるだなんてKonse, mata aeru da nanteWe can meet again in this world
伝えてゆくのはTsutaete yuku no haUs, right now
今の私たちIma no watashi tachiWe'll pass it on
忘れずに遠くWasurezu ni tookuRemember that it's far
隠さずに近くKakusazu ni chikakuWhile it's frankly quite close
きっとこの先Kitto kono sakiSurely, we can come to like
好きになってゆけるSuki ni natte yukeruThis destination
この罪も罰もKono tsumi mo batsu moThis crime and this punishment
古い御伽噺のようにFurui otogibanashi no you niLike in an old fairy tale

Picture by Maboroshi on Konachan


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