回路-kairo-: eyes

Title: eyes
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Album: Do not distract the eye in here and now
ひとりで鼻歌Hitori de hanautaHumming alone
口ずさんでいたKuchizusandeitaHumming to myself
ひとりで歩いたHitori de aruitaWalking alone
いつもの帰り道Itsumo no kaerimichiThe usual way home
ひとりの夕暮れHitori no yuugureThe dusk of loneliness
眼を焼く夕焼けMe wo yaku yuuyakeThe eye-burning sunset
そのまま潰れたらどれだけ楽かしらSono mama tsuburetara dore dake raku kashiraHow much easier would it be to just collapse right here?
私はあなたのWatashi ha anata noSince I'm holding
手を握っているからTe wo nigitte iru karaYour hand
涙は拭ってNamida ha nugutteWipe your tears,
一緒に家に帰ろうかIssho ni uchi ni kaerou kaAnd let's go home together
いつでもあなたをItsudemo anata woWhenever I'm looking
見つめているからMitsumete iru karaat you
ひとりぼっちなんてHitori bocchinanteAll by myself
そんな寂しい事は言わないでSonna sabishii koto ha iwanaideDon't say such a lonely thing
瞑ったこの目に優しく触れてたTsubutta kono me ni yasashiku furetetaI touched your closed eyes gently
誰かの細い指がわたしに呟いたDare ka no hosoi yubi ga watashi ni tsubuyaitaAs someone's slender fingers whispered to me
私はあなたのWatashi ha anata noSince I'm holding
手を握っているからTe wo nigitteiru karaYour hand
涙は拭ってNamida ha nugutteWipe your tears,
一緒に家に帰ろうかIssho ni uchi ni kaerou kaAnd let's go home together
いつでもあなたをItsudemo anata woWhenever I'm looking
見つめているからMitsumete iru karaat you
悲しい事からKanashii koto karaSince it's so sad
お願い目を逸らさないでOnegai me wo sorasanai dePlease don't look away
ここからKoko karaFrom here on...
自分の鏡もJibun no kagami moThe mirror of yourself
脈打つ炎もMyakuutsu honou moThe pulsing flame
揺らいだ光もYurai da hikari moThe wavered light
重たい鎖もOmotai kusari moThe heavy chains
夜明けの寒さもYoake no samusa moThe cold of dawn
変わらないものもKawaranai mono moThe things that never change
咲き誇った花もSakihokotta hana moThe flowers in full bloom
全てを引き連れてSubete wo hikitsureteTake them all with you
二人で歌ってFutari de utatteSinging together
ふたりで歩いてFutari de aruiteWalking together
二人、手繋いでFutari, tetsunaideHolding hands
ふたりで見つめたFutari de mitsumetaLooking at each other...

Picture was uploaded by mary_chan to Zerochan


  1. Songs:
    1. Mirror - 2. Blaze - 3. Light - 4. Chain - 5. Cold - 6. Change - 7. Flower - 8. Eyes

    The mirror of yourself
    The pulsing flame // I have the feeling that it has to be something with blaze
    The wavered light
    The heavy chains
    The cold of dawn
    The things that never change
    The flowers in full bloom
    Take them all with you

    1. Nice catch! Yes, 炎 can also be translated as blaze, so given this context that would be better!


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