回路-kairo-: Way of Wonderful Suicide


Title: Way of Wonderful Suicide

Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Lyrics/Music: Megane
Album: World Pulse - EP
Website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/
Album website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/worldpulse/world.html
Click here for a complete list of all 回路-kairo-'s songs with links to videos and translations

No one has uploaded this song on Youtube, and I do not wish to do so. Please support Kairo by purchasing this EP on iTunes - it's cheap and definitely worth it. Parts of the whole album can be heard on the album website link above. The song translated here is from 0:00 to around 2:00.

This is probably my favorite song from the album. I recently learned that this song was also on an album by Kairo, of which I had not previously heard, which has the same name as the song. World Pulse's Way of Wonderful Suicide was recorded again, and is much higher quality.


Way of Wonderful Suicide has been uploaded to Youtube by user BewareAyaAhead. Note, that this is NOT the World Pulse version, but the version from the album Way of Wonderful Suicide, so the quality isn't as good as on World Pulse, the new album.
The World Pulse version of the song was uploaded by Eiki Shiki. Thanks for using my translation in the video!
はじめてからずっと書いてたHajimete kara zutto kaitetaSince the beginning, I've always been writing
日記のページも今日で最後ですNikki no pe~ji mo kyou de saigo desuToday, the final page of my diary
独りだけじゃ凍えそうでHitori dake ja kogoesou deI was freezing alone,
思い出にも火を灯したOmoide ni mo hi wo tomoshitaSo I lit fire to my memories
書いてきた 日々が全て 虚しく感じたKaitekita - hibi ga subete - munashiku kanjitaEverything I wrote, day after day, all felt in vain
もう一度 会いたいから 歩き出すよMou ichido - aitai kara - arukidasu yoJust once, I want to meet you, so I start walking
守るものはもうないけどMamoru mono ha mou nai kedoI have no more things to protect
足元も見えないけどAshimoto mo mienai kedoI can't take advantage anymore
転びながら進むよKorobinagara susumu yoEven if I fall, I continue
平気だ まだいけるよHeiki da - mada ikeru yoIt's fine - I'm still going
始まりはここからさHajimari ha koko kara saThe beginning is here
握った手は風を掴むNigitta te ha kaze wo tsukamuThe hand I held was grabbed by the wind
もうそこに無いとわかってるのにMou soko ni nai to wakatteiru no niAnd though I know it's not there anymore
今でも探してる小さな手Ima demo sagashiteru chiisana teI'm searching for the small hand
どこにもない また今日も涙拭くのDoko ni mo nai - mata kyou mo namida nuku noNot to be found anywhere. Today, tears fall again
守るものはもうないけどMamoru mono ha mou nai kedoI have no more things to protect
その顔も見えないけどSono kao mo mienai kedoI can't see that face anymore,
心に焼き付いてるよKokoro ni yakitsuiteru yoThat was burned into my mind
平気だ 会いに行くよHeiki da - ai ni iku yoIt's fine - I'm going to meet you
始まりはこれからさHajimari ha kore kara saThis is only the beginning
背に翼がついていたならSe ni tsubasa ga tsuiteita naraWhen wings are attached to my back,
君に会えるのかなKimi ni aeru no kanaWill I then get to meet you?
守るものはもうないからMamoru mono ha mou nai karaI have no more things to protect
足元も見えないからAshimoto mo mienai karaI can't take advantage anymore
転びながら進むよKorobi nagara susumu yoEven if I fall, I continue
平気だ もう会えるHeiki da - mou aeruIt's fine - we'll meet eventually
感覚はもうないけどKankaku ha mou nai kedoI have no feeling anymore
涙も枯れてるけどNamida mo kareteru kedoAnd though my tears have withered
心は鳴り続けるKokoro ha nari tsudzukeruMy heart keeps beating
平気だ またやれるよHeiki da - mata yareru yoIt's fine - I can do it again
僕たちの本当のBokutachi no hontou noThis is our
始まりはこれからさHajimari ha kore kara saReal beginning
Official album art to World Pulse, credited on Kairo's website to "okan, ke".


  1. Hello Wanieru, I'm Aya (BewareAyaAhead)
    I'm here to say thank you for translate this song. I listen to this almost everyday. Simply my favorite one. By the way, can I ask you for a permission to put a lyric to a video which you post above?
    I don't want to re-upload(or upload any further songs from a well-known artist) because I also want people do more support to the artist by them self.
    Thanks again, have a good day.
    (PS. If you have any opinion. Please feel free to share with me.)

    1. Hi, Aya! Your comment is almost 2 years old, but it was automatically put in a spam folder ;~; Sorry
      I have set up better e-mail notifications now...
      Sorry I couldn't reply earlier, so I don't know if your comment is still relevant :)


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