回路-kairo-: 旅人の行進曲 / March of the Traveler


Title: 旅人の行進曲 (March of the Traveler)
Circle: 回路-kairo-
Vocal: 556t
Album: Way of wonderful suicide
Website: http://www.k-a-i-r-o.com/

I was considering translating all songs from World Pulse, but when I discovered the old album of Kairo's called Way of Wonderful Suicide (as the final song on that album, and the song that was rerecorded for World Pulse and translated in another post), I decided to translate March of the Traveler instead.

寒い夜に星が光ってSamui yoru ni hoshi ga hikatteIn the cold night, the stars are sparkling
消えたKietaAnd disappearing
1人でいたHitori de itaAlone,
長い道を曲がって歩いていたNagai michi wo magatte aruiteitaI walked around on the long road
悲しみや偽りから迷い逃げてKanashimiya itsuwari kara mayoi nigeteRunning away from sadness and falseness
何かなくしてNanika nakushiteWithout anything
求めた答えも無いMotometa kotae mo naiWithout obtaining an answer
今もずっとIma mo zuttoNow and always
静かな夜Shizukana yoruThe silent night
照らす街灯Terasu gaitouStreetlamps illuminating
月が見えたTsuki ga mietaI saw the moon
この先には何があるの?Kono saki ni ha nani ga aru no?What's above this place?
悪い夢から覚めてWarui yume kara sameteAs I awoke from a nigthmare
ここに私がいる事Koko ni watashi ga iru kotoI'm right here
あなたは気付いてくれますかAnata ha kidzuite kuremasu kaDo you notice me?
この渦の中Kono uzu no nakaInside this whirlpool
同じ道を繰り返すOnaji michi wo kurikaesuI repeat the same road
あの空も星もAno sora mo hoshi moThe sky and the stars
会いに行くよAi ni iku yoI'm coming to meet you
この空の星の名前もあなたが教えてくれたんでしょう?Kono sora no hoshi no namae mo anata ga oshietekuretan deshou?Weren't you the one to teach me the names of the stars?
歩きだしたArukidashitaAs I walked,
昔の事Mukashi no kotowhen I heard your voice,
あなたの声で思い出したAnata no koe de omoidashita I remembered old things
泣いてもいいんだNaite mo iin daCrying is fine,
止まってもいいからTomatte mo ii karaStopping is fine,
最後までSaigo madeUntil the end
ここに私がいる事Koko ni watashi ga iru kotoI'm right here
あなたは気付いてくれますかAnata ha kidzuite kuremasu kaDo you see me?
この渦の中Kono uzu no nakaInside this whirlpool
同じ道を繰り返すOnaji michi wo kurikaesuI repeat the same road
あの空も星もAno sora mo hoshi moThe sky and the stars

Album art for Way of Wonderful Suicide


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